Queen (2014) is a remarkable Indian film directed by Vikas Bahl that showcases the transformation of a young woman. Starring Kangana Ranaut, this film tells the story of Rani Mehra, a woman who embarks on a solo honeymoon after her fiancé calls off their wedding. The narrative revolves around her journey of self-discovery and empowerment. As […]
Brahmastra Part One: Shiva (2022) – A Spectacular Sci-Fi Adventure “Brahmastra Part One: Shiva” (2022) is a anticipated Indian film. It combines mythology with modern sci-fi. Directed by Ayan Mukerji, this film stars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. The story follows Shiva, played by Ranbir Kapoor, who discovers his mystical powers. He embarks on an […]